Avec finnd dot net vous pourrez voir en streaming le film Bujang Terlajak en streaming ou bien regarder le film Bujang Terlajak en vf streaming HD complet 2019 gratuit et vostfr en 1080p ou 720p , streaming Bujang Terlajak vf hd français

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Synopsis du film

"Bujang Telajak" tells the story of three best friends, played by Saiful, Nabil dan Johan, who fall in love with the same girl, named Puteri (Fazura) and end up competing with each other. The three of them are actually professional magicians, who met Puteri while filming for a commercial. The three friends decide to follow Puteri to learn more about her, only to discover that she is also a kindergarten teacher and part-time model. In order to get closer to Puteri, Saiful turns to her blind father, Haji Hashim (Mustapha Kamal) hoping to hear her secrets from him. To his surprise, Saiful is told by Hashim that Puteri longs to marry with someone who is handicapped, as she believes that it is the only way that she will obtain true love like her mother. And so begins the disguise of the three friends as disabled individuals in order to win Puteri's heart, including sabotaging each other. Who will triumph in this comedic love story?.

Acteurs et Créateurs


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Grâce aux plateformes de streaming proposé ci-dessus vous pourrez voir le film Bujang Terlajak en streaming ce qui veut dire le lancer directement sur votre PC , Smartphone et tablete. Avec des offres parfois gratuite et une qualité vidéo SD ( standard) , HD ( haute définition ) 1080 P et même du ultra-hd ou 4k. Avec la langue française (VF) ou en version sous-titre Française (VOSTFR)

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