Avec finnd dot net vous pourrez voir en streaming le film The Rift en streaming ou bien regarder le film The Rift en vf streaming HD complet 2019 gratuit et vostfr en 1080p ou 720p , streaming The Rift vf hd français

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Synopsis du film

In the seventies, in the slightly envious country, you come to the cooperative sawmill, the Štefan season, which gets entangled with an older village girl, Anica, so she gets pregnant. This obstructs his life plans: get a quick start to get enough to travel to Australia. Jože also comes to Slovenia with Štefan, who is a native but lives a distant life of a special person. Anika's older sister, Marta, is married, but without children. It turns out that they used to love Marta before, and then Jose escaped to study the theology, which he never completed. Anxious Anica succumbs to her sister's escalating hatred of men, so poorly crap Martin's advice is to close Stephen somewhere until forced into marriage. The events in the temple where Štefan is closed is culminating in a mission in a village church. At the time of the death of the old Martnjakovka, Aničina and Martina mothers, the events went wrong in the crime ....

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