Avec finnd dot net vous pourrez voir en streaming le film Red Rocks Homecoming en streaming ou bien regarder le film Red Rocks Homecoming en vf streaming HD complet 2019 gratuit et vostfr en 1080p ou 720p , streaming Red Rocks Homecoming vf hd français

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Synopsis du film

It's been the scene of concerts by the Clash, U2, the Dave Matthews Band, and many other secular musical acts, so the natural outdoor amphitheatre of Colorado's Red Rocks was perhaps overdue a visit from the prolific and decidedly non-secular Gaither Family, whose HOMECOMING series has been a fixture of both the Christian movement and the Billboard charts for many years. Their Red Rocks foray follows the form of the classic Gaither manifestation-the family hosts performances by longtime favorites such as Wesley Pritchard, whose "I Never Shall Forget the Day" is a particular highlight, and Donnie Sumner, who contributes a delicate, moving "The Anchor Holds." As a celebration of traditional religious values, the HOMECOMING series is perhaps unequalled in contemporary worship music. RED ROCKS HOMECOMING is a fine example of the Gaither Family and its satellite members doing what they do best--singing simple, unadorned, traditional songs of praise..

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