Avec finnd dot net vous pourrez voir en streaming le film The Nest en streaming ou bien regarder le film The Nest en vf streaming HD complet 2019 gratuit et vostfr en 1080p ou 720p , streaming The Nest vf hd français
Synopsis du film
A young couple of biologists and their two children move from Riga to a nature reserve where they're provided with an old country cottage. They start to repair the cottage and feel at home, but the former owner of the house suddenly returns from Canada. When he realises that the present inhabitants have kept the spirit of the place alive, he gives up his rights to the cottage. The film then concentrates on him coming to terms with his memories of his time as a guerilla, when he found his first love, his 'sister-in-arms', who betrayed him fifty years ago. The film also investigates the relationship between the young biologists and nature, and the process of reaching adulthood. The title of the film, The Nest, stands for the surroundings of living nature (the forest, the marshes, the coast) and more generally for the small fatherland that has to maintain its position among great powers such as Russia, Germany and America: countries that largely shape the fate of the characters..
Acteurs et Créateurs
Liens pour voir ce films
- boom.film-streaming-hd.cc Siteweb FR
- french-stream.cfd Siteweb FR
- streaming.deos.club Siteweb FR
- sd.oomoviz.com Siteweb FR
- gptfims.com Siteweb FR
- dailymotion.live Siteweb FR
- mezatube.click Siteweb FR
- 9.ilmtub.com Siteweb FR
Grâce aux plateformes de streaming proposé ci-dessus vous pourrez voir le film The Nest en streaming ce qui veut dire le lancer directement sur votre PC , Smartphone et tablete. Avec des offres parfois gratuite et une qualité vidéo SD ( standard) , HD ( haute définition ) 1080 P et même du ultra-hd ou 4k. Avec la langue française (VF) ou en version sous-titre Française (VOSTFR)