Avec finnd dot net vous pourrez voir en streaming le film The Protector en streaming ou bien regarder le film The Protector en vf streaming HD complet 2019 gratuit et vostfr en 1080p ou 720p , streaming The Protector vf hd français

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Synopsis du film

Jan Schäfer is a personal security officer at the BKA. Fiona Weibel, the key witness currently under Schäfer’s protection, has to testify before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. Particularly delicate: Fiona works in the management of a Swiss shipping company and is said to be using insider knowledge to heavily incriminate her own employer. The shipping company is accused of illegally transporting toxic substances, disguised as fertilizers, to Syria, where they are used to produce toxic gas. To keep Fiona safe until the trial, Schäfer and his colleague Yannick take her into their custody. But as soon as they pick up the witness at the airport, they realize they are being followed. Through a clever diversionary maneuver, they manage to escape the pursuers. But is that enough to get Fiona to safety? The trio threatens to be discovered and the operation exposed. Is the witness playing a double game? Or is there even a leak in the ranks of their own colleagues?.

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Grâce aux plateformes de streaming proposé ci-dessus vous pourrez voir le film The Protector en streaming ce qui veut dire le lancer directement sur votre PC , Smartphone et tablete. Avec des offres parfois gratuite et une qualité vidéo SD ( standard) , HD ( haute définition ) 1080 P et même du ultra-hd ou 4k. Avec la langue française (VF) ou en version sous-titre Française (VOSTFR)

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